Indy To Celebrity

Hey Indyheads,

Just recently, the Indy crew went for a walk down memory lane, looking at old Whitney Houston videos (like most of the world has been doing recently) when we noticed that one of our favorite videos is very reminiscent of one of Whitney's.

"Funky Hydrophonic" performed by Alex Kelly and directed by Bruce Bohman reminded us SO MUCH of Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" for two reasons.

The first thing we found to be similar between the two videos is the bold, bright color schemes. Reds, pinks, blues, yellows, greens. All solid. And these aren't your epileptic splashes of color, either. Both videos are easy on the eye. They have digestible colors that reminded us of the onslaught of SPRING!!

The second thing that stood out is that both of these videos experiment with split screen-play and timing to create different pictures that interact with each other.

Anyhow, we like it. What do you think?


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