Indy to Celebrity
Terms of Agreement
By submitting your music video or performing live on Indy to Celebrity, you acknowledge that you own the copyright to the video and the musical content presented outright, and that you are not infringing on any other artists’ copyrighted material. All content must be original. All samples used must have proof of consent from the original content owners.
You give us your consent to add the video or performance into Indy to Celebrity’s regular rotation, and to post it on any of our media outlets, including but not limited to the official Indy to Celebrity website, promotional materials, YouTube, and any other social or traditional media outlets we choose to utilize.
Indy to Celebrity has the right to freely comment on material provided to the show, or not use any material at all.
You acknowledge that no monetary payment will be invoiced to the show for the use of your content.
Submission Guidelines for Videos
Submit all videos to
All videos submitted to Indy to Celebrity must be in .mov or .mp4 format. Links to YouTube or any other video content website will not be admissible UNLESS the show can download the original, high-resolution .mov or .mp4 file from the site (E.G. Content can be submitted to Indy to Celebrity through the website
All videos submitted to Indy to Celebrity must be clean (no explicit material) and devoid of vulgarity or illegal acts.
Submission Guidelines for Live Performances
Submit all performance inquiries to:
All performances on Indy to Celebrity must be clean (no explicit material) and devoid of vulgarity or illegal acts.
Performers are expected to bring their own sound equipment and instruments.
Sound checks will be limited to five minutes per act.
*State that you (the artist or representative of) acknowledge and consent to these terms in your online submission in order for it to qualify as an e-signature*