Gideon Wyatt graduated from Westwood College where he studied Video Production. He was inspired to get into video production through his father, who has hosted a television show Hear O Yah on Comcast25 for twenty-five years. While in high school, Wyatt began working on his father’s show and has directed it for five years. While at Comcast25, Wyatt obtained a certificate in Production. Since then, he has pursued his own personal television endeavors with the show Underground Hype and 360 Entertainment Worldwide.
Paul Fox is a Savannah College of Art & Design alum. While at SCAD in Savannah, he studied film & television production and dramatic writing. Fox has produced more than twenty short films, videos, and documentaries. He has won two Best Picture awards for his work on the short film Extinction. Fox is an Eagle Scout.
IMIK, Cinematographer
Lawrence "Imik" Mensah, was born in Ghana, Africa and was raised on the fast paced streets of New York City. While in New York he discovers his love for filmmaking and visual story telling. He attendant the savannah College Of Art and Design, pursuing a Bachelors in film production and a minor in visual effects. Imik resides in Atlanta, Georgia. He is currently working as the head cinematographer on the new show "Indy to Celebrity".
Debra Dukes, Co-Host
In high school Debra Dukes was a star singer in talent shows. She won first place in a Christmas holiday singing competition in San Bernardino, Ca. Dukes attended Sacramento City College where she took acting classes. Deborah is a part time model and a full time mother of a two year old daughter, Leia. She hopes to one day work for two of her favorite directors, Tyler Perry and Spike lee. She also plans to work on her secret talent of doing voiceovers.